Vein removal surgery is one of the most common procedures that a doctor can do. It’s also known as lymph node stripping or stripping the lymph nodes to remove the vein.
The surgery is used to remove blockages and improve circulation. When it’s performed on larger veins, sometimes a small incision is done, and the surgeon then removes the offending vein.
There are a number of reasons why the surgery is done. Sometimes it’s done to remove old veins that form in the legs or feet. Others may be done for cosmetic reasons, such as removing spider veins. Some people don’t like to have their legs and feet touched because of physical problems.
And some people don’t want the unsightly veins around their groin and inner thighs. There are a variety of different surgical procedures that are performed. Sometimes they’re simple and take less than an hour. Other times it can take longer.
For instance, the top layer of tissue is removed from the leg. Sometimes a new opening is cut and the excess tissue is removed. Another procedure involves creating a “stump”. The surgeon creates a hole in the skin with a scalpel. He then inserts a tube that has a small pump attached to it.
The blood from the patient’s body is pumped through the stump, where it is cleansed, and then eliminated through the hole. The last procedure may be called sclerotherapy. It usually takes between one and four hours and is generally performed on an outpatient basis.
The sclerotherapy procedure uses a chemical tolerant that irritates the vessel wall. This irritates it enough to cause tiny injuries that lead to the healing of the vessel wall. Then the sclerosant is removed by vacuum. If the entire procedure is performed correctly, there will be very little inflammation of the tolerant site.
There should be only tiny red or pink areas where the sclerosant was. The body will absorb the chemicals and process them into healthy blood cells rather quickly. The surgery will be over in about ten minutes. You will be able to drive yourself to the hospital the day after the surgery. Many people are able to drive themselves home following surgery.
These are some of the most common vein disease procedures available today. Many times, other procedures may be combined with these to help you get better results and faster recovery time. However, it is important to talk to your doctor about which procedure might work best for you. Some of them may not be right for your condition.
A lot of patients like to have a laser performed before and after the procedure. This is quite common. After the procedure, the patient may feel pain or swelling around the area that is operated upon. This is usually temporary.
Sclerotherapy is very common as well. There are many reasons that the common cold may turn into a severe case of the flu. When the immune system is impaired, it allows the virus to gain access to the body. The tolerance allows the doctor to get at the virus which helps in reducing symptoms.
Chemotherapy follows surgery. It is the last resort for many cancer patients. Chemotherapy follows radiation therapy, radiofrequency ablation, and surgery. It is used in conjunction with chemotherapy and is given intravenously through IV lines. Sometimes, it is used in combination with surgery.
Another common procedure is called photodynamic therapy. It is when the light is shone onto the cancerous areas. This destroys the cancerous cells without harming the healthy tissue. It is quite effective in killing cancer and has been around for some time. For safe and expertly-done venous insufficiency ablation, please get in touch with ASAP.
These are just some of the more common procedures that occur. There are many more that doctors choose to perform. Each one creates its own set of issues and complications. By doing research online, you can learn about some of these treatments and their pros and cons.